STUDENT LIFE2025-01-13T12:29:37-05:00

Service Hours Information

Catholic-Christian community service hours are integral to the mission of Madonna High School. Information can be found below to help you succeed and excel in the requirements for your grade level while you are at Madonna.

Download the Service-Hours-Form-2024-2025

● Parish/Church — You can apply the following to your service requirement: work for parish picnics and festivals, CCD assistant, church office work, Vacation Bible School volunteer, etc…
● Community — Service to the community at large, especially to the poor, sick, elderly, and uneducated people will qualify: Soup kitchens, tutoring, Salvation Army, Weirton Christian Center, Community Bread Basket, Friendship Room, Table of Hope, Sheltered Workshop, nursing homes, hospitals, etc…

  • All hours will be performed for a non-profit charitable organization that can include: your parish, Catholic and non-Catholic charitable organizations, and other youth sports organizations or community organizations outside the school. All service should support the mission of the Catholic Church. See your Theology Teacher for clarification.
  • Babysitting, lawn mowing, or performing household tasks for elderly relatives, friends, or neighbors, and pet-sitting are good ways to help your community, but these DO NOT count as service hours. You should do these things for your relatives, friends, and neighbors because of your relationship with them.
  • Students cannot receive any form of payment or other remuneration for service hours.
  • All Christian community service must be for an organization outside of your home and not for personal relatives. This service should, in some way, make the Gospel message of Jesus Christ visible to you, as the servant, and those whom you are serving.
  • All community service forms, which fulfill the minimum requirement for a student’s class year, need to be submitted to their Theology Teacher no later than Friday, March 28, 2025.
  • If a student completes his/her service during the summer, his/her forms should be turned into their Theology Teacher by Monday, September 9, 2024.
  • In addition, service hour forms must be handed in 2 weeks (14 days) after the completion of the service. If the service is done on multiple days the paper can contain the multiple dates, however, it must still be handed in two weeks after the final date listed on the paper.
  • Service hours may be completed for the upcoming academic year after the last day of the school year.

Service hours completed during the summer months are applied to the next school year (e.g., Joe volunteered at a Vacation Bible School from June 20-24. Those hours will be applied to the upcoming school year).

Minimum Number of Community Service Hours:

7th grade – 10 hours

8th grade – 10 hours

Freshmen – 15 hours

Sophomores – 15 hours

Juniors – 20 hours

Seniors – 20 hours

Community service hours are integral to a student’s time at Madonna High School. Students who neglect to complete their service hours and return the necessary paperwork to their Theology Teacher by the Friday, March 28, 2025 deadline will meet with the Administration to develop and sign a contract stating when the remaining hours will be finished and the consequences if not met.

All questions pertaining to the acceptability of community service or activity please see your Theology Teacher.

If a student completes his/her service hours during the summer, he/she should turn them into their Theology Teacher by Monday, September 9, 2024. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the hours of service and record the hours on the Service Hours form. Upon completing the service form, please submit to your Theology Teacher no later than Friday, March 28, 2025. If your service is performed in more than one place, you must have a form for all service hours to be added to your Community Service record. Additional forms are in the Main Office and with the Theology Teachers or can be downloaded here Service Hours Form. For your hours to be added to your record, please be certain your forms are filled out completely and accurately. The record of student service hours will be maintained on RenWeb.

Any student who transfers to Madonna High School after the first day of school will have a modified expectation for service hours. If a student has completed service hours at their previous school for the current school year those hours can be transferred; a letter of verification must be sent from the previous school to the Office at Madonna (Attn: Mrs. Granato).

  • I need service hours, where can I get them?
    • Community Bread Basket 304.748.7595
    • Table of Hope 304.914.0162
    • St. Joseph the Worker Church Office 304.723.2054
    • St. Joseph the Worker School 304.723.1970
    • Sacred Heart of Mary Church 304.723.7175
    • St. Paul Church Office 304.748.6710
    • St. Paul School 304.748.5225
    • Weirton Christian Center 304.748.2353
    • Hancock Co. Sheltered Workshop 304.748.2370
    • Brooke/Hancock Family Resource Network 304.748.7850
    • Weirton Senior Center 304.748.3490
    • Wyngate 304.723.7004
    • Serra Manor/Weirton Geriatric 304.723.3160
    • Salvation Army (Weirton) 304.748.4310
    • Blood Donation (if you meet the age & weight requirements) through Vitalant, Red Cross, various local blood drives.

This is just a sample of opportunities for service – read the local paper, pay attention to the news, etc. – there are opportunities throughout our community.  Pay attention to emails from the school and to daily announcements at school.   From time to time, opportunities for service will be announced.

  • What happens if I don’t get enough hours?
    • Students who neglect to complete their service hours and return the necessary paperwork to their Theology Teacher by the Friday, March 28, 2025 deadline will meet with the Administration to develop and sign a contract stating when the remaining hours will be finished and the consequences if not met.
  • I completed my service hours, what happens if I do service hours after the March 28, 2025 due date?
    • Service hours after the March 28, 2025 due date will count toward the current school year (2024-2025). Service hours may be completed for the next academic year (2025-2026) after the last day of school in May 2025.

Lunch Menu

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities are a major aspect of the Madonna High School environment. It is important, however, that the students realize that it does the school and themselves little good if they spread themselves too thin. It is better to do a few things well than to do many things poorly. Remember that each of us must still allow time in our lives to share with our family and friends, and to reflect alone.

The Art Club at Madonna provides the opportunity for students to share their artistic talent through visual art service projects, at the school and around the community. Students also participate in art related field trips.

The Drama Club is one of the many clubs and activities offered by Madonna High School. It is open to all students grades 9-12 who are interested in musical theater. The students then participate in a play each Spring.

This December the students and staff of Madonna HS are performing A Christmas Carol: A Radio Drama. Click on the picture for more information and to buy tickets.

The Geek Club is open to all students at Madonna. These students will meet after school to play games and discuss movies and other things in pop culture

The main goal of I.T. Club is to provide a deeper insight into the I.T. field and create opportunities for students to gain confidence and grow their skills. The club encourage leadership and promotes the development of student’s skills and knowledge.

I.T. Club Mission Statement

I.T.Club Objectives

The Interact Club is open to all students at Madonna and is a is a group of students working to get involved with the community. The students involved work closely with the local Rotary club.

The Pep Club is open to all students at Madonna. The members of this club help increase school spirit and pride in our athletic teams. Help promote our school in a positive, fun way.

The Pro-Life Club promotes the sanctity of life, from conception until natural death, by participating in the annual life chain, the city of Weirton Christmas and 4th of July parades and by sponsoring pro-life speakers, theatrical productions dealing with life issues, the annual “Dance for Life”, the Spiritual Adoption program, etc. The annual field trip finishes out the year.

The S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions) club is a organization designed to help our students make the best possible decisions. The S.A.D.D. club has guest speakers and law enforcement speakers come into the school and further educate our students on topics such as; drunk driving, alcohol and tobacco use, illegal narcotics, critical thinking and decision making skills.

Student government is a student elected body which helps create, organize and enhance student life here at Madonna. Student council meets regularly and all are welcome to attend. This is a great way to become involved and help make student life a more positive experience.


  • Youth Leadership in conjunction with the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Weirton Heights Rotary Club (Interact Club)
  • West Virginia Rhododendron Girls State
  • West Virginia Mountaineer Boys State
  • Judicial Scholars Program

Student News

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